Brits Warned of Hypergamy Dating Trend Sweeping the UK

Brits Warned of Hypergamy Dating Trend Sweeping the UK

Discovering love is much trickier than romantic comedies portray.

out, singles! There's a new dating trend making its way through the UK from the US.

When looking for , not only do you have to worry about finding the right person, but you also need to be cautious of others' true motives.

Be careful, as there are people out there who might deceive you by secretly practicing hypergamy. They may be more focused on the lifestyle you can provide rather than the type of partner you are.

If you're unfamiliar with the term, it essentially refers to ‘dating up' or ‘marrying up' – in other words, being with a partner who has a higher social and economic status.

It has been happening for many years all around the globe, but it appears to be most widespread in the and is increasingly common in the United Kingdom as well.

People often engage in hypergamy to climb the social ladder, while some argue they just seek a successful partner – is there anything bad about that?

The dating trend's limits have changed in today's world, but many people seeking relationships also aim to improve their social status.

A recent survey by high-end dating site Seeking found that singles consider a deep emotional bond with a potential partner as a ‘must-have' during a first date, along with ‘swept off their feet' and financial stability.

Brits Warned of Hypergamy Dating Trend Sweeping the UK

People looking for love have been warned to beware of hypergamy. (Getty Photo)

The study discovered that individuals seeking love desire to find someone to learn and develop with, as 57% of respondents expressed their desire to build a with someone who ‘complements' their qualities.

Seeking conducted a survey of 2,000 grown-ups and discovered that individuals who are not in a relationship are searching for companions who share similar intellectual, cultural, lifestyle, and economic aspirations. It is preferable if these potential partners are already successful in their own lives.

65% of people believe feeling swept off their feet is important for a successful meeting, but 35% think a relationship is doomed if it doesn't happen on the first date.

The showed that 80% of people find self-confidence appealing, 75% are attracted to dates who are proud of their past achievements, and 73% are impressed when someone goes the extra mile.

It appears that being organized can greatly improve your prospects in the dating scene.

Attendees expressed curiosity about modern ‘hypergamy'. Even though 43% were unfamiliar with the term at first, after learning its meaning, 47% saw the dating trend positively.

Brits Warned of Hypergamy Dating Trend Sweeping the UK

Singletons hope to boost their social status by choosing the right partner (Getty Stock Photo)

The research discovered that 39% believe that connecting with someone who can help them advance socially and financially can greatly impact their personal development and exploration.

Emma Hathorn, the dating and relationships expert at Seeking, mentioned that modern hypergamy goes beyond its traditional form, emphasizing the importance of growth and shared benefits in relationships.

She stated that ambition, , and status are still crucial today, but it's just as important to have a partner who adds value to your life in meaningful ways.

Displaying ambitions and spoiling dates with luxury raises the standard for the relationship, it's to bid farewell to typical dating. Individuals desire to feel special — through engaging conversations and personalized experiences.

Emma actually thinks it could help those struggling in the dating scene.

“Being with someone who inspires you to grow and evolve can turn a good relationship into a great one,” she said. “Choosing a partner who complements and enhances your attributes can lead to a deeply enriching and meaningful connection. A great relationship is one where both people are constantly learning and growing together.”

Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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