The homeless face a significant health problem due to the lack of sleep.
Every day, around 225 homeless individuals find refuge and a place to rest at St. Boniface church in San Francisco through The Gubbio Project.

The Gubbio Project was established in 2004 by Shelly Roder and Father Louis Vitale, community activists. It is a non-denominational initiative of the St. Boniface Neighborhood Center, situated in San Francisco's Tenderloin neighborhood. The project was created to provide shelter and support for the growing population of homeless individuals in the area.
When guests enter the churches, no questions are asked. There are no sign-in sheets or intake forms to remove barriers. Everyone is welcomed, respected, and treated with dignity, according to the project's website.
The church reserves the front 1/3 of the sanctuary for daily mass at 12:15 p.m., while the Gubbio Project occupies the back 2/3 of the sanctuary.
The non-profit organization states that this shows our homeless neighbors are part of the community, not to be excluded when people with homes come to worship. It also reminds those at mass that the community includes the weary, the impoverished, those struggling with mental health, and those who are cold, wet, and dirty.
The church provides more than just a place to sleep – they also offer cozy blankets, socks, hygiene kits, and massages.
Watch the video below.