Buzz Aldrin Punched A Conspiracy Theorist After He Accused Him Of Faking The Moon Landing

Credit: & Bart Sibrel via

A shocking video showcasing Buzz Aldrin physically confronting a conspiracy theorist has attracted significant across the internet.

The inaugural landing on the , which took place on July 20, 1969, is regarded as one of the most significant accomplishments in history.

Although there is substantial evidence supporting the occurrence of the event, conspiracy theories persist, proposing that the Moon landing was a hoax.

A particular theorist conveyed their convictions to Aldrin, resulting in a contentious exchange.

There are many conspiracy theories about the 1969 Moon landing. Credit: Alamy

Individuals have responded to the viral video on the internet, with one observer commenting: “I could watch this endlessly! High five, Buzz.”

Another person remarks: “This is how studs handle these idiots that have nothing else to do.”

A third individual chuckles, stating, “A minor strike for Buzz, yet a significant blow for humanity.”

The Apollo 11 mission conducted by NASA marked a historic moment when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to set on the Moon's surface.

The historical event was transmitted globally, reaching millions of viewers, and it emerged as a significant milestone in the competition for supremacy in space between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Shortly after the event, conspiracy theories regarding the Moon landing emerged.

Bill Kaysing, who previously worked at Rocketdyne, a key player in the Apollo program, was one of the first and most influential advocates.

Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to walk on the Moon. Credit: Alamy

In his 1976 self-published book, ‘We Never Went to the Moon: America's Thirty Billion Dollar Swindle,' Kaysing asserted that NASA faked the Moon landing to showcase American dominance in space, sidestepping the dangers and expenses of real space exploration.

Kaysing's assertions, despite the absence of reliable evidence, established a foundation for numerous conspiracy theories regarding the Moon landing.

Throughout the years, theories surrounding the Moon landing have developed significantly, particularly with the advent of the internet, which has facilitated the swift dissemination of misinformation.

Proponents of conspiracy theories frequently highlight perceived irregularities in the photographic and video evidence of the Moon landing.

A commonly cited example is the image of the American flag, which seems to flutter as if it is being blown by a soft breeze, despite the absence of air on the Moon.

The National Space Center explains that the flag does not wave; instead, its shape is a result of astronauts twisting the pole into the lunar ground, which displaces the flag. It retains its bent shape because of the Moon's low gravity.

Theories suggesting the Moon landing was a hoax normally focus on the picture and video footage of the event. Credit: Alamy

A commonly cited point is the lack of stars in the photographs.

Skeptics argue that the sky ought to be brimming with stars; however, the stars are indeed present—it is merely that the camera has difficulty capturing such a contrast.

Individuals who subscribe to conspiracy theories often raise doubts regarding the shadows observed in the photographs of the Moon landing, as these shadows appear to extend in various directions, even though the is the sole source of illumination.

Specialists have linked the shadow anomalies to the Moon's rugged and irregular surface, which can result in shadows being cast at varying angles.

The scientific community overwhelmingly rejects the Moon landing conspiracy theories. Credit: Alamy

The well-known science-oriented television series MythBusters addressed the controversy surrounding the Moon landing in 2008, as reported by

They demonstrated that non-parallel shadows could naturally appear on the lunar surface by using a scale model with uneven terrain, tiny astronauts, and simulated sunlight.

This experiment challenged the assertions made by skeptics who argued that the shadows observed in NASA's photographs indicated the presence of artificial lighting in a studio environment.

The scientific community largely dismisses the conspiracy theories surrounding the Moon landing, pointing to a substantial body of evidence that confirms the event took place.

Previous employees of NASA, along with engineers and astronauts, have consistently validated the legitimacy of the Moon landings.

The Soviets, who meticulously observed the U.S. space program throughout the Cold , never challenged the authenticity of the event.

Considering the fierce competition between the two parties, it is improbable that they would have chosen to remain silent had the event been contrived.

The lasting appeal of conspiracy theories about the Moon landing can be partly explained by the psychological factors that shape belief in these conspiracies.

According to Scientific American, conspiracy theories may offer individuals a of control and comprehension in a world that is often complex and fraught with uncertainty.

Bart Sibrel asked Buzz Aldrin to swear on the Bible that he had walked on the Moon. Credit: Bart Sibrel via YouTube

A Moon landing conspiracy theorist experienced a peculiar encounter with Aldrin outside a hotel in Beverly Hills due to their convictions.

On September 9, 2002, Bart Sibrel, a prominent figure among those who advocate for the Moon landing hoax theory, confronted the renowned astronaut.

The theorist, along with a crew, asked the 72-year-old to swear on a Bible that he had truly walked on the Moon.

Feeling uneasy about the circumstances, Aldrin persistently requested that Sibrel refrain from approaching him.

Nevertheless, the theorist remained resolute and continued to level accusations.

As tensions heightened, Sibrel referred to Aldrin as a ‘coward' and a ‘liar,' which caused the astronaut to become visibly agitated.

The situation between Buzz Aldrin and Bart Sibrel became heated. Credit: Bart Sibrel via YouTube

The ex-astronaut was captured on video delivering a powerful punch to Sibrel's jaw. Taken aback, Sibrel staggered backward.

The event garnered international attention, with numerous individuals expressing compassion for Aldrin due to his actions in light of the situation.

As reported by, the Beverly Hills police conducted an investigation into the incident; however, they ultimately chose not to file charges against Aldrin, identifying Sibrel as the instigator of the altercation.

Since the moment referred to as the ‘punch heard around the world,' Aldrin has remained an unwavering proponent of space exploration and the advancement of scientific education.

In 2019, while celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Moon landing, Fox News asked the astronaut for his thoughts on those who doubt the authenticity of this significant event.

Aldrin replied: “I don't pay any attention to them, really. They're out for themselves to make a name.”

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